Here is everything you need to know for your child to have an awesome time at camp.
How can I know my Camper will be safe during camp?
The safety and security of every one of our Campers is our highest priority. Because of this, there are certain ways we do things at HHCC and your cooperation is required. We have several key components to ensuring the absolute safety of your children.
Deliberate Check-in and Check-out procedures makes sure we know who is coming and going to and from the Camp.
Screening & Training of Employees & Volunteers:
Background Checks - we implement background checks either in-house or with verification from employment of all of our volunteers and staff.
Code of Conduct - all volunteers and staff must read and adhere to our Code of Conduct
Volunteer Handbook - volunteers and staff familiarize themselves with all of the ins and outs of HHCC
Camp Schedule- every minute of Camp is scheduled to ensure there is adequate supervision at all times.
What does registration day and check-in look like?
YOUTH GROUPS: check-in begins at 3pm for church groups. Please only send one leader from your church group to the office.
INDIVIDUALS: Individual campers can begin check-in at 3pm once all of our staff and volunteers are in place. We also take down the name of the person who will be picking your camper up and that is used for the pick-up procedure on the last day. If that person changes, please let the Camp Office know, otherwise we will not let your camper leave with someone different than who is on our list.
MEDICINE: All medicine (OTC and Rx) needs to be given to the Nurse during the check-in process. Please put the medicine in a ziploc baggie in its original bottle with separate written instructions. You can pre-count the doses and send enough for just their time at camp.
CANTEEN CARDS: for 5th grade and up, we use punch cards with the camper’s name on it and they are included with every registration. There are enough punches to get snacks twice a day at each full day of camp. For 4th grade and down, we do not use punch cards and Canteen is just automatically included for every camper.
CAMP MERCH: pre-ordered shirts are given out during the check-in process and our store is open during registration. We also try to open the store throughout the camp week to let campers purchase other items.
OTHER MONEY: we do allow the campers to purchase items from the store, additional snacks, and we collect an offering towards the Mission we’ve chosen to support for Camp. However, for 5th grade and up additional money is NOT NECESSARY. Campers can sacrifice a visit to the canteen and we will add any unused punches from their Canteen Cards to the offering collection after the final canteen of the session.
All campers must be screened for lice. We will have a tent with qualified volunteers checking hair for lice. Anyone staying in the dorms will need to be screened for lice on the day of camp before moving in. Groups are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to do their lice screening BEFORE YOU DEPART FOR CAMP at your church. Groups can provide the camp with a document signed by a qualified individual indicating all of your campers have been screened for lice on the day of camp.
What does the last day and check-out look like?
All of our camps are over at 11am and all campers are dismissed from the Chapel.
Once the final Chapel session is over, campers must remain in the Chapel until they are checked out and dismissed. The camp will have people at the back of the Chapel with the list of approved pick-up names. Parents/guardians need to let the camp employee know they are here for their camper and then the camper will be dismissed to the back of the Chapel to meet their ride. PARENTS/GUARDIANS CAN NOT ENTER THE CHAPEL WITHOUT SPEAKING TO A CAMP WORKER FIRST.
What to bring:
We provide a bunk, shower, all meals, and snacks. Please have your child prepared with:
Bedding - pillows, sheets & blankets
Shower necessities
Towels - bath and beach
Personal care items
Closed-toe Athletic Shoes
Extra clothes
Swimsuit - see dress code for appropriate swimwear
What not to bring:
The first thing we ask that your camper leave at home is their cell phone. We know this isn’t easy, but it will enhance the camp experience for your child. We know all the reasons kids would want or need their cell phones, but we feel that they are a huge distraction while at camp. We don’t want to have to waste camp time policing for cell phones, so it is simpler to ask that everyone leave them at home. If you need to contact your child while at camp, you may call us, message us, email us, and we will gladly relay the message and, if necessary, have them call you back on the camp phone.
Things also not allowed include electronics of any kind (iPod, iPad, MP3 players, etc.), weapons, any food or drink items to keep in the dorms, and fireworks. Other things you may want to leave at home are items of value (like expensive clothes or shoes or irreplaceable items).
Bringing any drugs, alcohol, vape, or any tobacco product is forbidden and doing so will result in your child being sent home immediately.
What does a day at camp look like?
Refreshing Pool
Giant Water Slide
Relaxing Campfires
Uplifting Chapel services
Encouraging Family Group discussion
Inspiring Quiet Time
Serene Boating
Exciting Fishing
Challenging 18 Hole Mini-golf & Frisbee Golf courses
Peaceful Nature Trails
Delicious meals